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5 Ways to get over Negative Vibes of feeling down and get back to Good Vibes!

5 Ways to get over Negative Vibes of feeling down and get back to Good Vibes!

Life can be stressful causing you to experience emotional ups and downs more frequently than you desire. So how can you overcome the downs and support your mind, body and spirit to keep up the Good Vibes?.

Our life is full of vibrations and frequencies.
Beginning with our heartbeat, the music we listen to, our car, a cat purr, a dog bark a mobile ringtone, so on a so forth. Believe it or not, our emotions have a frequency creating a vibratory field that radiates what we socially refer to as “good vibes” or “bad vibes.” As our emotions are energy in motion, our bodies vibrate at the emotion which we are feeling. If felt a long enough time and at a strong enough intensity, negative emotions (dense and low vibrations) can create physical dis-ease (from influenza, psoriasis, gut sensitivities, osteoporosis and even cancer. )

The quality of our emotions can be reflected in our vibratory field.
We often associate light-heartedness and laughter with upbeat emotions of happiness, joy, serenity which carry lighter frequencies. Negative emotions like sadness, resentment, jealousy, anger, and frustration are dense and vibrate at a lower frequencies. 

When you are feeling down, it is important to remember that ups and downs are a normal part of experiencing life and that your emotion is energy passing through. It is important to recognise this and allow the emotion to pass before acting. Wallowing, obsessive thinking and giving importance and momentum to negativity will only perpetuate a downward spiral and expand a dense vibrational field. Remember, just as each day is made of night and day, and each year holds changing seasons, so too do our emotions move through cycles.

We can certainly manage our ups and downs by improving our baseline emotion.
Our baseline emotion is our most common state of being and feeling on a day-to-day basis. When our baseline emotion is positive, we generally deal better with life's unexpected happenings with a positive and balanced disposition, and, our approach to challenging times is often met with resilience, positivity, an open mind and a growth mindset.

According to Susan Bird, a Stanford Graduate, hypnotherapist and specialist in Energy Re-alignment

“Negative thought patterns can lower our vibration by 12 MHZ, while positive thoughts raise our frequency by 10 MHZ and energetic clearing methods, prayer, meditation and other practices can be used to significantly increase our base-line frequency level (up to 15 MHZ).”

We can improve our baseline emotion and quality of our emotions by the intentional focus and regular practice of:

  • meditation, reflective journalling, movement and exercise, singing and playing instruments

  • positive thinking patterns, mindfulness, gratitude

  • laughter, living with joy and love

To help you live life in the good vibes zone, here are 5 ways to support a higher vibrational frequency, overcome negativity and improve your baseline emotion. 

    Sit still and write your thoughts. It is important to realise that your thoughts will come and go and most of them, are to be filtered out and not acted on. You see, our mind, if regularly negative, is a dumping ground where we need to give time to sort the waste. The practice of reflection and writing allows us to go through this process in a gentle way. It is important to journal, yes write with a pen and paper, without distraction (no phones), and without judgement (no need for grammar checks, guys!) . I harp on to my clients about the importance of this practice because it is essential to the health of your mind. We are bombarded constantly each day by subconscious messages so it is important to develop a practice that allows you to regularly filter what's going on up there. Once you get started, you will be surprised as to what comes out.

    After writing, you will find yourself calmer, over the “peak” of the negative emotion, and in wonderful cases, experiencing an “uh-huh” moment. YAY! Who doesn’t love a light-bulb moment? By the time you have finished this, your emotions have returned to balanced state (or nearly-balanced state) and you won’t be saying undesirable things you may regret later. 


    Gratitude not only has an amazing effect on our mental focus but also on our physiological state and our emotional wellbeing. Gratitude allows us to change our focus and see more sides of what we are experiencing. Gratitude is a form of positive thinking and allows us to feel less pressured and less stressed in our mind and body and gives us mental space to relax, return to a harmonious state and ultimately tap into our creativity to find solutions. Gratitude helps us to also realise that we are fortunate for what we have. It returns us to a place of abundant thinking and allows us to move to a space of love.

    In gratitude, our hearts and communication channels are open and we are able to reconnect with others again in a healthy and balanced way. 

    By the time we realise we are in a negative cycle, we have already been tumbling around in our heated “mental clothes dryer” for a while. We have started to stress ourselves by focusing on how the other person should be / shouldn’t be doing something and already justifying our egos argument that you are right instead of he/she.

    When we are in this state we need to take a big step back and cool down. We need to return to the beginning and ask ourselves what we can notice about the other person and his / her intentions, actions, emotions in the first place. In this place of curiosity, we can discover a piece of key information that we have overlooked that would helped us prevent this situation.

    When we learn to pause our mental chatter and give time, awareness, and compassion, we are able to strengthen our understanding, learn about others, and see our own shortcomings.

    In positivity, we learn about others and about ourselves, we create positive connections and build meaningful relationships.

    On the flipside, in negativity, we only emphasise our fears, focusing on scarcity and carve deeper and deeper the unhelpful mental stories that keep us stuck, stagnant and unhappy in life.

  4. LAUGH.
    Laughter is THE BEST way to raise your vibration and raise your vibration fast. Just with humour alone, you shift your focus in a second and the physiological effects are instant. You let go, your muscles relax, you let out the negative energy and you find joy again. We expel stagnant energy and release anxiety.

    Exercise is amongst one of the best ways to overcome a negative vibes. Movement helps us to relieve tension and stress, boost physical and mental energy and release endorphins that enhance our well-being. In movement, we also release muscle tension and stretch out any tightness in our bodies. Movement to music is the ultimate overall toner, so pop on your favourite tunes that you know gets you in a good mood and find your vibes changing faster than you expect.

To find solutions to a personal matter that is keeping you down, whether relationship, work, life or goals-oriented, get in touch with Jo Anne to get things back on track and feel Good Vibes again!

Written by Jo Anne |

Jo Anne Zamora Gante is an accredited Life Coach and member of the International Coaching Federation.

As an experienced teacher and workshop facilitator in dance, movement, body-mind teachings and holistic wellness, Jo Anne coaches clients all around the world online and in-person in their journey to be happier, passionate, fulfilled and loving individuals.

Jo Anne delivers her work in English, Spanish and Italian.

Contact Jo Anne