I am an accredited Life Coach and member of the International Coaching Federation.
In 2014, I left my previous career as a Brand, Marketing and Events Manager and dove into my life passion of wellness and healing. Over the past years I have studied Psychosomatic Therapy with the Psychosomatic Therapy College, acquired my certification in Fitness and Remedial Massage Therapy, studied Reiki, Reflexology, amongst other alternative therapies, and shared my passion for dance and music in my dance Academy, My Little Havana.
Why I love to teach and life coach
Since I was a child, 5 years perhaps, I remember I always cared for the happiness of others. I remember that anytime I saw somebody who felt sad, angry, lost, concerned, or down, or didn’t believe in themselves I wanted to somehow be of service to help them feel better. I always looked to my intuition and feeling, astrology, mythology, and “memories” of ancient knowledge as my source of reasoning.
Having grown up in a broken family, with my parents divorced by the time I was 6, I remember observing the various emotional ups and downs of my parents, and their anger, regret, disappointment towards each other and confusion and turmoil of managing a stressful time with young children, finances, lawyers, and responsibilities, and in a foreign country. I saw how unhappy they were and felt that there was always something better. While not understanding at the time that what was missing was expressions of love, I intrinsically felt that my parents unahppiness was only half of the picture.
Even though I suffered, I still had wanted to ease their pain because somehow, seeing them happy made me happy. I felt great reward when I was able to help one or both of them feel more at peace.
With friends from a young age, to teens and to university times, I somehow fell into the place of mediator, counsellor, cheerleader, “life rock” and well, “life-coach” – assisting with various life challenges, from rejections of all types, disappointments, confusions, to the mild-panic of experiencing love and all its wonder for the first time.
After transitioning through a wild 20s of living abroad, juggling several careers to be competitive in life, creatively experimenting with my understanding of life and its meanings, living to the tune of social expectations and living to the standards of what I thought life was meant to be, I landed at age 28 in a very challenging moment of my life.
I was in a relationship where I experienced domestic violence and doing anything I loved didn’t serve the other and meant trouble, arguments and consequences. And, in my highly stressful job as a manager, there was a lot of pressure, bullying, aggression and disrespect. I felt a deep struggle to be me and felt I couldn’t do anything right. My boundaries had been stretched so far I didn’t know what was right anymore. After two abortions, I felt completely disconnected, completely fragmented and disoriented. My self-esteem and self-worth had dived low and I had lost myself completely. On a daily basis I was arguing heavily with my then-partner often I defence and survival, experiencing deep pain and agony on the inside, wanting to be free but, with no way to free myself. My weight gain was rapid and I struggled to live each day. I couldn’t understand how I had even arrived here.
Saturn Return had come on strong and had me questioning myself, my self-worth, my values, what my life was meant to be for, what I was supposed to be doing, how to love and be loved, what was good and not good for me, going deep into the meaning of life, spirituality and coming to terms with what it meant to be a spiritual being living a human experience.
Moving through this time, taking a leap into a new life journey or healing my own soul made me come to terms with the fact that my life work and life purpose always was and had always been to unravel, unmask and undress the fear and lies which we have been living and help people return to a place of self-belief and ultimately, Love.
8 years later, I continue to dedicate my life to wellness, spirituality and self-discovery. I love my journey and all the hardship and discovery, and continue to learn and share as a teacher of creativity, as a life coach and holistic wellness therapist.
I truly believe that each person has so much to offer. Each and everyone of us is a universe and it is up to us to explore our own potential, to live creating, to understand our talents, gifts and purpose, and always move forward on our destined path.