Make no excuses & Move Forward

Make no excuses & Move Forward


▪ PART 1 - Excuse 1: "Familiarity"

Ok so we are at day 8 of 2019 & I want to ask you, how are you going with your New Years resolutions? I'm sure there are some of you out there who felt inspired to make positive change, & some how that excitement has turned to uncertainty... or simply the idea has lost momentum & CBF attitude / too-hard basket mentality has come in to play.

Uncertainty, self-doubt & fear are natural emotions when contemplating change but for some of you, these feelings can be the big bump in the road that can stop you from getting started... AT ALL!

Instead of making changes ask yourself if you are making excuses to justify the non-action/situation/guilt behind make you feel just a bit better about not taking action. The truth is that excuses just strengthen the underlying story in your head of ‘why you can’t have what you want in life' that holds you back from better and greater things.

So over the next few posts I'll be talking about a few excuses we make consciously & subconsciously to help you realise your habits and make simple changes to better your reality.

▪EXCUSE #1 -
Familiarity gets the better of us!

Sometimes you set a goal & it feels like a bigger task than you originally had thought. Because it is unchartered territory, it looks like a big effort. At this point, without determination, comfort of the "familiar" sets in and the belief that it’s easier to stick with their old ways, instead of pushing through new boundaries becomes the dominant thought.

Consider breaking down your goal into smaller bitesize steps that are achievable, realistic, & doable! Instead of expecting to instantly leap into your dream reality, consider what steps you can take over a period of time. When you don’t have an answer, ask what to do & when you break your steps down into manageable chunks you can ease your way into change. 
The most important thing to break habits is consistent focused effort. No matter how small the steps,what counts is the effort.

Be proud of yourself for achieving the small things! Get over excuses and achieve better in life!


Written by Jo Anne |



Jo Anne Zamora Gante is an accredited Life Coach and member of the International Coaching Federation.

As an experienced teacher and workshop facilitator in dance, movement, body-mind teachings and holistic wellness, Jo Anne coaches clients all around the world online and in-person in their journey to be happier, passionate, fulfilled and loving individuals.

Jo Anne delivers her work in English, Spanish and Italian.

Contact Jo Anne


SELF LOVE: When we are loving ourselves.

SELF LOVE: When we are loving ourselves.

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