We cannot control the environment around us and we cannot allow ourselves to feel pushed around like a rootless tree in the wind – we simply would lose a sense of who we are, and, ultimately our way
All in Self-Development
We cannot control the environment around us and we cannot allow ourselves to feel pushed around like a rootless tree in the wind – we simply would lose a sense of who we are, and, ultimately our way
When relationships break down you find yourself focusing so much on how the other persons words, actions, and behaviours are the reason for you being so unhappy. We may feel as though there are no alternatives but to leave the relationship. The good news – by going inward and transforming our inner world we CAN find connection, peace, love and joy again.
With so many unprecedented changes causing sudden, erratic and continuous movement around us no wonder we feel our sense of security, stability and livelihood compromised…
Its Feb 1, 2020. When you look back on January, how did you really go with those new years resolutions you set? Some of you, maybe excellent, others so-so, but most of us…real crappy! To understand why those resolutions or fluffy self-promises arent working for you, check out these 4 reasons: